This newspaper first argued for legalisation 20 years ago (see article). Reviewing the evidence again (see article), prohibition seems even more harmful, especially for the poor and weak of the world. Legalisation would not drive gangsters completely out of drugs; as with alcohol and cigarettes, there would be taxes to avoid and rules to subvert. Nor would it automatically cure failed states like Afghanistan. Our solution is a messy one; but a century of manifest failure argues for trying it.
Vale a pena ler na totalidade. De facto, como o artigo aponta a guerra contra as drogas tem criado custos muito maiores do que benefícios. O problema é que enquanto houver gente disposta a pagar por drogas, haverá gente disposta a cometer crimes para as providenciar. Será que não chegou finalmente altura de focar os recursos no combate ao vício e à dependência?
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